Who Said It?

Political Game Show

Media Journalism Class

Are you looking for some entertainment during a time of stress with the election coming soon? Our new game show Who Said It, hosted by Boone G is funny, informative, and exciting, as contestants guess who said a certain quote, provided by Eli. Our contestants, Erick, and a volunteer Kaz were in a tight battle throughout. With the great Boone Gross moderating, the show is upbeat, and engaging.

We don’t just want you to watch and be entertained, we make sure we’re spreading facts. Every quote you hear is obviously 100% true, and are usually surprising. While the contestants give their opinions, Boone makes sure to stay very objective, to let you and the contestants form their own ideas.

In this stressful time, it is your job and our job to be able to keep things light and fun. It is also important to be learning as much as you can. Our show is unique in that we are trying to keep you, the audience happy, while you’re learning, which is extremely important right now.